Monday, December 22, 2008

Cast of Characters

Any decent narrative requires solid establishment of its characters. This post will attempt to introduce you to me and my Cast of Characters.

ME: I was born January 11, 1952, in San Diego, CA. My father was career Navy and we spent my childhood at various duty stations including Huntsville, Alabama, Natchez, Mississippi, Memphis, TN, and Chino, CA.

During these travels my parents managed to expand the family to provide me with a sister (2 years my junior) and two brothers (5 and 16 [surprise!] years younger).

We really jumped around in the late 60's and I attended four different high schools, finally graduating from Chino High School, in Chino, CA in 1970.

I won the lottery that year. The US Military draft lottery that is. Soon after my ping pong ball was pulled I received the "Greetings" letter from my Uncle Sam. I ignored the letters until they started including references to the FBI. I joined the US Navy to avoid the Army. I did two tours of duty in the Viet Nam theater aboard the USS Camden as a Nuclear Weapons Transhipment Specialist. Thankfully I wasn't called on very often and managed to avoid combat with a couple of hair raising exceptions.

I attended several colleges and universities after my enlistment was over finally finishing at Cal. State LA. I lived much of the 70's and early 80's in a kind of adolescent stupor that was a combination of living in Southern California and various chemical enhancements. I won't dwell on my first marriage during this period as it was a mistake in SO many ways.

In May of 1986 in a fit of geographical flight from the path I was continuing to follow, I loaded up my truck and moved to Memphis. Here I met my life's partner and married her (and her two kids). In 1988 she bore me a son and we've been family ever since.

My Wife
: Gale was a single mother of two children
(Tim 4 and Jennifer 9) that in a rather forward fashion invited me to a "singles" Sunday school class at her church. I've always loved children (still being a child myself) and her's were no exception. We've been married for over 21 years now and she is without question my moral compass and the love of my life.

I can't give her age for fear of an even earlier mortality. She had spent her entire life in the Memphis area before we met. Together we have spent time in California, New York, Boston, Hawaii, Central Europe, Italy, and many trips to Cozumel, Mexico. I scuba dive and though she was a non-swimmer when we met, she has become an avid snorkeler. She took swimming lessons after (ahem) age 50 and even went back to college to learn Spanish after it was apparent that we would continue to visit Mexico. She has been to Guatemala twice on medical mission trips where her Spanish has endeared her to the local villagers.

She is a wonderful mother that never took the easy way out. She will be a tireless caregiver as my condition worsens and if there were any way that I could spare her, I would. Truth be told, if I have the strength and opportunity...I will spare her.

Our children: Jennifer, Timothy, and Scott are as different as they could be yet have an inseparable bond when faced with a common their parents. :-) Jennifer and Tim have a biological father that lives out of town and periodically comes in and out of their life. For Jennifer, in particular, that gave her the imagined option of, "I'll go live with Daddy." As she grew older and realized the real consequences of that statement she dropped it from her vocabulary. Today as a wife and and mother she seems to really appreciate Gale & I and the job we've done as parents.
Tim married his childhood sweetheart, became a Deputy Sheriff, and is leaving for Iraq in May, 2009, with the Army National Guard. He is a driven, focused young man that grows more like his mother every day.

Scott is my biological son so he's stuck with me. He is soon to be 21 and leads a busy life. I do see empty cereal boxes and dirty clothes that indicate he still lives with us. Scott has a strong moral direction and he seems to have the respect of his friends because of it.

Being the sneaky father that I am, I monitor their MySpace pages to keep abreast of what is going on in their lives that they are willing to share with the world but not their parents.

As my story goes on I'm sure I'll need to bring up other people, but these are the people I feel responsible for. I've spent a good portion of my life protecting them and providing for them. I have a profound sense of guilt that my illness will cause me to let them down. If I had one wish granted or prayer answered, it would be that I not be a burden to these special people that so enriched my life.

1 comment:

  1. This is your daughter, Jennifer. I have known about this blog for some time, but have never posted to it until now. As I'm reading this "prologue", you stated that if you had one wish granted or prayer answered, it would be that that you not be a burden to us, your family. YOU have NEVER been a burden to us, nor could you be. You were the dad that every kid should be so blessed to have. I remember the very day that I realized YOU were my dad, although not my "biological" dad, you were the man who raised me, the man who taught me life's lessons, who laughed with me, comforted me when I cried and celebrated in my life's accomplishments. I am so thankful that I was able to voice that realization, making you aware of just how special you are to me. I am PROUD to be your daughter and so very blessed to have had the time I did with you. I will miss you every single day that you aren't here.....but I carry close to my heart the wonderful memories that can never be replaced, that you helped create. I love you so much. Thank you for being so brave and taking us on, you were meant for us and us for you. No one could've loved us the way you did. And we are all the better for having had your love. Fly high and mighty. Spread your knowledge and wisdom. I love you so much.


I read ALL comments right after they're posted. I may fail to respond, but please know your input is appreciated.