Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I AM Still Here.....

The hours seem to slide by with syrupy slowness but the weeks seem to click by with each swing of the clock's pendulum. I know that seems to make no sense to most, but in my present state of mind (and health) it is reality.

I wrote that sentence over two weeks ago. It was the beginning of three days of work that I (or Google) failed to save. I was so frustrated with the loss that I haven't been back. I'll try to post soon!


Thunderstorms were booming in the distance one afternoon as I sat at my desk (NOT posting on my blog) when I saw this doe step out of the woods and look my way. I snapped this photo through the window.


Everyone knows when they were born. Only a very few us are lucky enough to find out why.



  1. so glad you are back with us.i missed reading your blog.take care

  2. all right, good to read the words again, i so am glad you called last week, made my day. Stay strong, keep good thoughts. It's hard, so very hard. kel fell down 3 steps today, dropped the soda he was carrying,it scared both of us.
    loved the picture. Karla

  3. Love the quote , great picture...I'm always happy to see what you're up to...Hurricane headed our way here in NYC ...I won't be able to catch a pic of a doe but maybe I can get a pic of a NYC Rat..they're just as big.lol All the best, ~ Edward KONYH


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